This relationship starts now.

Extensive parent and staff communication along with the physical presence of parents play significant roles in your child’s adaptation to a childcare setting. We want you to know, understand and discuss classroom happenings and initiatives. We invite you to look into our busy, happy and creative classrooms and see your child at play.


In order for our relationship to build and remain strong, we encourage constant and consistent communication between your family and our classroom teachers. This open communication can be accomplished in a variety of ways such as:

  • Home visits for new families
  • Email and Telephone Calls
  • Parent Board and online Daily Reports from Brightwheel
  • Classroom Notices
  • Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Our blog and Facebook page

You will also have the opportunity to be present in many of the following ways:

  • Volunteering in the classroom and on the playground
  • Sharing projects you’ve prepared  for your child’s class
  • Sharing a talent
  • Sharing aspects of your cultural heritage
  • Donating items for the curriculum
  • And of course, always sharing information on your child’s progress

Our preschool, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs take field trips to libraries, nature preserves, museums and parks. You are welcome and encouraged to chaperone whenever you can.