Creating a Home Environment to Support Learning and Independent Play

Chef Joe makes Irish potato pancakes


Where’s Spot? read by Ms. Emily

Pajama Time read by Ms. Emily

Llama Llama Red Pajama read by Ms. Emily

Little Owl’s Night read by Ms. Emily

Little Owl’s Day read by Ms. Emily

Go, Dog, Go! read by Ms. Emily

If You’re Happy and You Know It with Ms. Emily

Freight Train read by Ms. Sydney

Panda Bear, What Do You Hear? with Ms. Emily

Open Shut Them with Ms. Sydney

Bear Snores On read by Ms. Alysia

Whose Knees Are These? read by Ms. Emily

Whose Toes Are Those? read by Ms. Emily

Brown Bear read by Ms. Emily

I Like Myself read by Ms. Emily

My Numbers/Mis Numeros read by Ms. Alysia

Baby Beluga read by Ms. Emily

Peek-a-Boo with Ms. Emily

Peek-a-Boo Morning read by Ms. Sydney

Ants Go Marching with Ms. Alysia

Some Bugs read by Ms. Alysia

The Kissing Hand read by Ms. Alysia

Goodnight Moon read by Ms. Emily

La Linda Manita with Ms. Alysia

10 Little Ladybugs read by Ms. Sydney

Meet Ms. Alysia’s kitty cat

The Very Hungry Caterpillar read by Ms. Alysia

The Family Book read by Ms. Sydney

In the Garden with VanGogh read by Ms. Alysia

Baa Baa Black Sheep with Ms. Alysia

Girl of Mine read by Ms. Alysia

Chicken Chronicles 4: Meet Gladys

Chicken Chronicles 3: Getting closer

Chicken Chronicles 2: Checking for eggs

Chicken Chronicles 1: Meet and Greet with Ms. Sydney

Ms. Emily visits a pond

Ms. Emily’s parents sing a duck song for you

Come and see Ms. Alysia’s chickens

Old MacDonald sung by Ms. Sydney

ABC song with Ms. Emily

Rain drops song with Ms. Emily

Doggies read by Ms. Emily

Three Little Birds with Ms. Emily

I love my friends signing with Ms. Emily

Hooray song with Ms. Sydney

Row, Row, Row Your Boat with Ms. Emily

Itsy, Bitsy Spider with Ms. Alysia



Una Casita sung by Ms. Laura

Go Away, Big Green Monster! read by Ms. Simone

Ms. Simone Found a Toad!

Ms. Simone Found a Lightening Bug!

Peak-a-boo Sophie read by Ms. Kelly

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes read by Ms. Laura

Ms. Laura found some worms!

Little Critter ABCs with Ms. Kelly

Kitten’s First Full Moon read by Ms. Laura

Mystery Box with Ms. Simone

Over in the Meadow with Ms. Simone

Freeze Dance with Ms. Laura

Pinpom sung by Ms. Laura

Mi Pequeño Globito sung by Ms. Laura

The Gruffalo read by Ms. Simone

Dancing bears sing with Ms. Simone

Fairytale Frankie and the Tricky Witch read by Ms. Laura

Down By the Cool of the Pool read by Ms. Laura

Open, Shut Them with Ms. Laura

Love Makes a Family read by Ms. Laura

Whistle for Willie read by Ms. Laura

Llama Llama Misses Mama read by Ms. Simone

If You’re Happy and You Know It with Ms Simone

Take a Walk with Ms. Laura

Sensory Bubble Fun with Ms. Laura

Row Your Boat with Ms. Simone

So Fast with Ms. Simone

The Napping House read by Ms. Laura

The Bear Snores On read by Ms. Lynette

Fun tape activity with Ms. Kelly

Tap to the beat: Side Oh with Ms. Simone

Making rain shakers with Ms. Laura

Rain shaker song with Ms. Laura

Baa Baa Black Sheep sung by Ms. Kelly

For parents: How to make easy salt play dough with Ms. Simone

Pete the Cat and His four Groovy Buttons read by Ms. Kelly

For parents: How to make sensory bottles with Ms. Laura

Come Along Daisy read by Ms. Simone

That’s Not My Owl read by Ms. Laura

3 Little Monkeys read by Ms. Laura

Little Blue Truck with Ms. Laura



Animal Boogie read by Ms. Kate

If You Give a Moose a Muffin read by Ms. Kate

I Like Myself read by Ms. Annie

Little Monkey Calms Down read by Ms. Kate

Down By the Bay sung by Ms. Kate

If You Give a Cat a Cupcake read by Ms. Annie

Calm-Down Time read by Ms. Kate

If You Give A Pig a Pancake read by Ms. Kate

Baa Baa Black Sheep sung by Ms. Kate

Come Along, Daisy, read by Ms. Lynette

Grumpy Gloria read by Ms. Annie

Rolling art activity with Ms. Annie

Ms. Lynette’s 3 ingredient play dough

It’s Mine read by Ms. Annie

Over in the Meadow sung by Ms. Kate

Making a Mystery Box with Ms. Annie

Let’s play with the mystery box! with Ms. Annie

Looks Like Spilt Milk read by Ms. Annie

Let’s Dance with Ms. Kate

There Was An Old lady Who Swallowed a Fly read by Ms. Annie

The Paper Bag Princess read by Ms. Annie

Ms. Kate has something special to show you!

Baby Baluga with Ms. Kate

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell read by Ms. Amy

Llama Llama Red Pajama read by Ms. Amy